Reactionary, Holocaust-Denying Propagandist President Speaks at Columbia

Taking a respite from his vigilant quest to ethnically cleanse Harlem and going back on his promise last year to stifle free speech on behalf of his Zionist masters, Bollinger's propagandistic tirade - a 15-minute orgiastic apologia for Uncle Sam's Iraq Genocide and Apartheid Israel's right to maim and slaughter at will - and paean to anti-intellectualism pleased even the most tried-and-true experts in the field of ignorant bluster and reactionary propaganda.
As Uncle Sam's desire for war grows and as his bloodly ambition to slaughter innocent Persians builds, anti-Semitic Zionist 'soldiers' like Bollinger will be called upon with increasing frequency to justify and encourage an even wider crusade than the one already unleashed on the region by Uncle Sam and Apartheid Israel.
And to that end - as a propagandist for empire - he did his job exquisitely.
Labels: Harlem Genocide, Vanilla Crusade, Vanilla Zionists, WarOn Terrorists