Recent Manifestations of Zionist Terrorism

Rarely does a day go by that Apartheid Israel doesn't attack civilians in its eternal quest to wipe the Palestinian people off the map. Often it does so using direct means - bombs and rockets fired from helicopters given to the Zionist colony by Uncle Sam. But Apartheid Israel has other means of enforcing genocide as well. Terrorism in the form of property destruction remains the tactic of choice among Zionist settlers: "Israeli settlers from Yitzhar settlement set fire to large tracts of agricultural lands planted with olive and almond trees belonging to Palestinian farmers of Einbos village southeast of Nablus."
Far from risking punishment, the settlers engaged in terrorism serve as the tip-of-the-spear, or Shock Troops, charged with greasing the skids for future Land-Theft by the Zionist colony. For example, the Zionist Knesset has recently passed a measure which mandates that land stolen from Palestinians be granted to Jews only. There is nothing new or surprisingly about this other than the audacity with which it was carried out - even the pro-Apartheid Ha'aretz entitled their editorial on the measure, "A racist Jewish State."
A pedagogical controversy over whether or not to teach the factual record has exposed the same Nazi-esque venom. Some White European Zionists simply cannot tolerate that Arab Israeli children use textbooks containing a sanitized account of al-Nakba, the massive campaign of ethnic cleansing and genocide undertaken by the White European invaders which served as the point of departure for their Apartheid colony. Jewish children will never have to learn this true history, of course, since the Apartheid education system separates Jewish children from Arabs. This has not stopped various elements of the Zionist government from having an absolute snit, however.
None question the event itself. Rather, they wish to erase it from history. They realize, more than anyone else, that the greatest enemy of Zionism isn't Palestine or Arabs or even Iran. Their most troubling adversary is true history and the factual record because it exposes their own criminality.
The desire to whitewash the Zionists' campaign of ethnic cleansing retains its importance because it continues today. At the Rafah Crossing, which separates Occupied Palestine from Egypt, more than five-thousand Palestinians remain stranded without adequate provisions. Many of these people, who have traveled to Egypt to receive medical care or visit family members, cannot return to Palestine because of the campaign by Apartheid Israel and its allies to keep them from doing so.
This policy - a policy of pure terrorism - affects only innocent civilians. And in this context, we should view Apartheid Israel's recent prisoner release with great skepticism. After all, Zionists have proven time and time again how little they value human life that isn't their own. Not surprisingly, however, Uncle Sam's embedded media couldn't help falling over themselves to laud the 'magnanimous' release of 250 Palestinian prisoners. Yet these same media routinely fail to mention the more than 10,000 prisoners still held in the Zionist dungeons, including many thousands held in indefinite administrative custody without charge or explanation for why Apartheid Israel has kidnapped them.
In coming days, we at Savage Justice will have much to say concerning some of the disgraceful actions undertaken by Mahmoud Abbas's Zionist Coup Government. But irrespective of what Palestinian collaborators do, Apartheid Israel's actions and behavior towards the people of Occupied Palestine retain their barbarity just the same.
This is due, in part, to the overall weakening of the Zionist ideology. The united front shown towards Apartheid Israel between Iran and Syria, Hizbullah's decisive victory last summer of the Zionist invasion of Lebanon, the electoral victory of Hamas in January 2006 and this summer's defeat of treasonous elements within the Palestinian government have stripped away much of Apartheid Israel's regional leverage. To compensate for this loss, the Zionist colony has increased the degree of savagery and brutality towards the must vulnerable people over whom it rules with an iron fist.
But the arc of history is long, and the actions by the white European colonizers against the regions inhabitants will ultimately serve as the fuel that incinerates the Zionist nightmare that is Apartheid Israel.
Labels: Apartheid Israel, Class Warfare, Occupation, Palestine Genocide, Vanilla Zionists, Zionism
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