Vacilating Zionists Welch on Agreement... again

This news affirms again that under no circumstances should one expect Apartheid Israel to behave in an honest or trustworthy manner.
With war in the air, that sentiment redoubles. However Apartheid Israel does not stand alone.
An article in today's Ma'an indicates that not only does Apartheid Israel no longer want the exchange, elements close to Palestine's imperialist Sepoy, Mahmoud Abbas, have committed themselves to ensuring it never happens:
The Hamas movement has received an Egyptian proposal for a prisoners' exchange deal in which the captured Israeli soldier, Gilad Shalit, will be freed in exchange for the release of 1,429 Palestinian prisoners in three stages, Palestinian sources have told the London-based, pan-Arab newspaper Al-Hayat.The sources added that Israel has initially approved the deal... Nevertheless, the Israeli authorities went back on their promise under the pretext that the time isn't ripe for such a deal...
This prisoners' deal was submitted to Palestinian Prime Minister Ismail Haniyeh and his attendants while they were in Saudi Arabia for the Hajj (Islamic pilgrimage) two weeks ago. Reports say that Haniyeh's delegation accepted the offer.
The same sources accused Palestinian dignitaries affiliated with the presidency of attempting to thwart the deal since reaching such a deal will mark a significant political accomplishment for Hamas and thus a blow to their main political rivals, the Fatah movement.
Amongst the prisoners who are expected to be released are a number of prominent Palestinian political leaders. The names mentioned include the secretary general of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP), Ahmad Sa'adat, the Fatah leader Marwan Barghouthi and the Hamas leader Abdul-Khaliq Natshah.
Apartheid Israel may delay the release by days, weeks, or even months for many of those held in captivity. But the material reality on the ground - Apartheid Israel's ongoing military and political retreat against the Hamas government (punctuated by the Land-Grabbers' occasional murders, always in self-defense, of unarmed child or woman) - and the Shalit family's campaign for their child's release, dictates that one day soon their indecision will end.
When they do, enjoy watching the apoplectic reaction of Fake Zionists too caught up in invisible Sky-Goblins to understand the real world.
When they do, enjoy watching the apoplectic reaction of Fake Zionists too caught up in invisible Sky-Goblins to understand the real world.
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