Colombian Pusherman Uribe: "I'm a Death Squadder!"

Sibylla Brodzinsky reports in Thursday's Guardian:
Colombia's political establishment has been shaken by near-daily allegations of how President Álvaro Uribe's allies worked with rightwing militias who for more than a decade used terror in pursuit of their own ends.
The supreme court has ordered six pro-Uribe lawmakers, including the foreign minister's brother, to answer questions about alleged links with the paramilitaries who are blamed for the murder and torture of thousands of Colombians. Two senators, an acting representative and a former congresswoman from the northern coastal province of Sucre, have been arrested, while one former governor remains at large.
Senator Álvaro García, the grandfather of Sucre politics, is facing charges of murder for allegedly planning the killing of 14 villagers in 2000 and ordering the murder of an election agency official.

Ironically, we at Savage Justice wrote in June that Uncle Sam had sent Colombian Narco-Terrorists to work alongside their puppet government in Afghanistan. One has little doubt as to the nature of their collaboration.
Brodzinsky's piece continues, detailing the deep extent to which these political officials collaborated with death squads:
Senator Miguel de la Espriella from northern Córdoba province revealed in a Sunday newspaper that he was among some 40 politicians who signed a political pact with paramilitary leaders at the height of their power in 2001. ..
Senator Álvaro Araújo, who is among the six lawmakers called to testify before the supreme court and is the brother of Mr Uribe's foreign minister, María Consuelo Araújo, warned that if he went down other heads in the government would roll.
The former head of Colombia's intelligence agency during Mr Uribe's first term is also being investigated for collusion...

The files allegedly include detailed accounts and recordings of meetings between politicians and paramilitaries to ensure the election of chosen candidates, and describe scams in which militias stole state funds from local health services.While it is pleasurable to see the beating delivered to Uribe's allies in the Colombian government, we cannot forget that Uncle Sam's own privatized Death Squads - namely DynCorp - savagely bomb the same people day after day with chemical weapons bought and paid for by Uncle Sam.
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