Iraqi Resistance Reports: 31 August-1 September
Translated and/or compiled by Muhammad Abu Nasr, member, editorial board, the Free Arab Voice Resistance bomb reportedly kills two American troops near al-Hadithah Wednesday afternoon. Resistance ambush in al-Hadithah leaves five US troops reported dead. At least seven US troops reported killed when Resistance car bomber blasts into American patrol in western Baghdad’s al-‘Amiriyah Wednesday evening. Shi‘i sectarian militias kill prominent Palestinians targeted for death by “Israel.” Resistance bomb reportedly kills one US soldier, blows leg off of second in as-Saqlawiyah, Friday afternoon. Resistance bomb leaves US soldier reported killed in al-Mawsil. In apparent step towards partition of Iraq: Kurdish separatist “President” hauls down Iraqi flag in Kurdish areas, replacing it with separatist flag.
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