Bedwetting: A Uniquetly Zionist Response to Rocket Attacks

The recently adopted Palestinian resistance tactic of firing rockets into lands held by their Apartheid occupier is working, exposing the weakness of the Zionist government and demonstrating the vulnerabilities of its ethnic cleansing policy.
The rockets have fueled divisions between colonialists occupying Palestine and demanding protection by the state on one hand and the Apartheid government, unable to provide that protection, on the other. An AP report highlights these disagreements:
It will demand organization, focus, and more strategic errors on the part of Apartheid Israel.
The rockets have fueled divisions between colonialists occupying Palestine and demanding protection by the state on one hand and the Apartheid government, unable to provide that protection, on the other. An AP report highlights these disagreements:
Residents of this southern Israeli town brought the community to a standstill on protest the government's inability to halt Palestinian rocket attacks.The Zionist colonialists feel betrayed because, aside from the savage slaughter of a few dozen civilians, the Apartheid government has done nothing to protect them. The piece continues:
About 30 demonstrators gathered at the main entrance to Sderot, placing a bulldozer and truck in the road to prevent traffic from entering. Town workers were striking and threatened to cut all electricity at night in protest. Sderot recently shut its schools for the summer several weeks ahead of schedule
Although the crude Kassam rockets are inaccurate, they have killed six Sderot residents, damaged buildings and severely disrupted life in Sderot. Residents are woken almost every night by sirens alerting them to incoming rockets.Feeling scared out of their wits and unable or unwilling to defend themselves, the attacks have forced the land thieves into a constant state of fear.
Further upsetting residents, Vice Premier Shimon Peres dismissed Sderot residents' fears as "hysterical" and suggested that their complaints were encouraging militants to keep up the attacks.
"They know we are scared here ... We are tired and want to sleep peacefully at night," said Hava Gad, 41, an unemployed mother of three who has been staging a hunger strike for nine days.The solution to their crisis is a simple one: return the stolen land. But in order for that to occur, the struggle must deepen and intensify beyond bed-wetting colonialists crying to the state for help to questioning the viability of the state itself.
Gad said she lost a marketing job because she missed so much work time tending to her terrified children. She said she and her children have gone into therapy, and her youngest child, who is 7 1/2 years old, has started wetting his bed again.
It will demand organization, focus, and more strategic errors on the part of Apartheid Israel.
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