Apartheid Israel: "Nothing Will Stop Us from Slaughtering Palestinian Children"

Israel vowed Thursday to continue air attacks in the Gaza Strip, despite global outcry over the killing of civilians in botched raids, as the Israeli and Palestinian leaders met in Jordan.Despite the visceral relief such attacks bring to the Apartheid Colonist Settlers and their allies, the recent escalation of collective punishment against the Palestinian people - the wholesale slaughter of families, pregnant women, and children - occuring in Gaza has eroded the legitimacy of Apartheid Israel's occupation of Palestine.
Fourteen Palestinian civilians, including five children, have been killed in air strikes over Gaza in nine days, following an upsurge in cross-border violence that has seen nearly 150 rockets fired at Israel in two weeks.
Two air attacks carried out in the past 48 hours missed their targets of presumed Palestinian militants and instead killed three children on Tuesday and another two civilians on Wednesday, one of them a pregnant woman.
With these attacks, the true naked savagery of the barbarous occupation reveals itself. Apartheid Israel's air force commander, General Eliezer Shkedi, outlines the scope of the Zionist escalation of violence. "The air force had, since the beginning of 2006, carried out five times the number of air strikes as last year." He continues:
"We are acting with extreme caution ... I think that at this time we have to make a very big effort to try everything possible to avoid harming those who are not involved," the general said.The savage attacks launched on civilian areas has produced an enormous global outcry that is growing less and less tolerant of the fabricated excuses the occupier army produces whenever it committs another atrocity.
Shkedi said aircraft were encountering growing difficulties to prevent "collateral damage" during sorties over Gaza, one of the most densely populated regions on earth, with militants choosing to operate in built-up areas.
The growing number of civilian deaths has incurred heavy criticism from Middle East peace sponsors, Russia and the United Nations, which called on Israel to respect international law, and from EU heavyweight Britain.In other words, if Apartheid Israel wants to continue on the offensive against the Palestinians - if they insist on intensifying and deepening their military occupation in Palestine - the attacks must continue no matter the outrage they produce. But the outrage only fuels the resistance.
Israeli Tourism Minister Yitzhak Herzog openly acknowledged that the Jewish state faced a "serious dilemma" in its fight against Palestinian militants.
"On the one hand, we have to exercise maximum care not to hurt innocent civilians but on the other hand we must act against terrorists," he said.
Thus, Apartheid Israel's Catch-22.
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