Savage PigWatch: P.O.C.C. Minister Framed-Up in Chicago

The P.O.C.C. asks that all people of who care about justice help to free JR Valrey by calling District 11, Area 4 of the Chicago PigShop - (312) 746-8386 - to demand his immediate release.
On 4 March, this blog reported on the imbroglio that gathered around the campaign taken up by the Chicago City Council to dedicate a street sign to Fred Hampton, the Black Freedom Fighter executed while sleeping at his home by Chicago's white supremacist Pigs back in 1969.
The Chicago Defender reports today that the fight for the sign, initiated by P.O.C.C. Chairman Fred Hampton, Jr. died yesterday when "Alderwoman Madeline Haithcock said... she will discontinue her efforts to get the ordinance passed." In a press release Haithcock said that, "she did not want to divide the City Council or disrespect police officers," so rather than force fellow Councilmembers to go on the record, she fell in line.
Hampton, Jr. was less conciliatory than Haithcock to the very forces who killed his father. He told the Defender, "No street sign, no compromise."
Rather than allow a debate on the merits of the street sign during the meeting, Chicago's Pigs pre-emptively arrested members of the P.O.C.C. at City Hall, including Minister of Information JR Valrey, on absurd charges that they assaulted Congressman Bobby Rush.
The P.O.C.C. asks that all people of who care about justice help to free JR by calling District 11, Area 4 of the Chicago PigShop - (312) 746-8386 - to demand his immediate release.
On 4 March, this blog reported on the imbroglio that gathered around the campaign taken up by the Chicago City Council to dedicate a street sign to Fred Hampton, the Black Freedom Fighter executed while sleeping at his home by Chicago's white supremacist Pigs back in 1969.
The Chicago Defender reports today that the fight for the sign, initiated by P.O.C.C. Chairman Fred Hampton, Jr. died yesterday when "Alderwoman Madeline Haithcock said... she will discontinue her efforts to get the ordinance passed." In a press release Haithcock said that, "she did not want to divide the City Council or disrespect police officers," so rather than force fellow Councilmembers to go on the record, she fell in line.
Hampton, Jr. was less conciliatory than Haithcock to the very forces who killed his father. He told the Defender, "No street sign, no compromise."
Rather than allow a debate on the merits of the street sign during the meeting, Chicago's Pigs pre-emptively arrested members of the P.O.C.C. at City Hall, including Minister of Information JR Valrey, on absurd charges that they assaulted Congressman Bobby Rush.
The P.O.C.C. asks that all people of who care about justice help to free JR by calling District 11, Area 4 of the Chicago PigShop - (312) 746-8386 - to demand his immediate release.
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