Be peaceful, be courteous, obey the law, respect everyone; but if someone puts his hand on you, send him to the cemetery.
Malcolm X
28 April 2006
Iraqi Resistance Report, 27 April 2006
Translated and/or compiled by Muhammad Abu Nasr, member, editorial board, the Free Arab Voice
Civilians killed as US launches massive air assault on ar-Ramadi late Thursday afternoon. Residential houses, markets, government buildings, open desert all targeted by lethal American weapons. American assault follows US cut-off of power, water, fuel from the city during the day Thursday.
Three US troops reported killed in double bombing in western Hit.
Four US troops reported killed in Katyusha attack on US camp near al-Qa’im.
Resistance Katyusha rockets blast notorious Abu Ghurayb prison camp.
Sister of puppet “Iraqi Vice President” and chief of collaborationist “Islamic Party” assassinated.
Association of Muslim Scholars of Iraq denounces latest US-imposed sectarian puppet “Government,” noting that only by ending the occupation can Iraq’s problems be solved.
Resistance sharpshooter reportedly kills US soldier after Americans steal house from Iraqi family in ad-Dulu‘iyah.
Three Italians, one Romanian occupation soldier killed in Resistance bombing in an-Nasiriyah.
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