Savage Pigwatch: NYPD Assassins Shoot Queens Man in Back

When Pigs kill innocent Black men, one must scrutenize not only the actions of the police themselves, but also the propagandistic machinations of the racist corporate media. In this case, the New York Times accepted at face value the Pigs' claim that Parrish was armed, parrotting it in Monday's report which they headlined, "Gunman Shot by Police Dies."
The coporate media serve the white ruling class interest. It is in this service that they aim to vindicate the Pigs' actions. The specifics of this case clearly bear that out. In their coverage of the attack, the Times disregards the absence of evidence against Parrish and trivializes eyewitness testimony that contradicts the Pigs.
Parrish's killers claimed in their initial statement that they shot him in the stomach. However, medical examiners quickly discovered that the Pigs had actually shot him in the back. Four eyewitnesses added that Parrish was handcuffed and totally subdued prior to his assassination. While they continue to assert that they killed Parrish in self-defense, the Pigs' failure to produce a weapon exposes this as another in a long series of lies.
This attack underscores a basic truth here on Sam's Plantation: Pigs lynch innocent Black men with impunity. Attacks like this one by unaccountable racists will continue unabated on the pretext of fighting a war on crime or a war on drugs or a war on terror until those oppressed by Uncle Sam recognize the real terrorists and defend themselves.
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