Pro-Apartheid Fanatic Shaul Mofaz Steals More Palestinian Land
The two major English language pro-apartheid Israeli dailies, Ha'aretz and the Jerusalem Post, report today on Defense Minister Shaul Mofaz's approval of a plan to steal more land from Palestinians and give it to Zionist thieves, "violating its obligations under the U.S.-backed road map peace plan". Ha'aretz notes,
Israel is obligated under the road map to freeze construction in all Jewish settlements, including the largest ones that it says it wants to hold onto under a future peace deal. However, it has not fulfilled its commitment, and construction has continued unabated since the road map was approved in June 2003.The plan presented to and approved by Mofaz would have no chance of being implemented in a nation that respected human rights. But, in the case of an apartheid state like Israel, concerns for the rights of non-Jews are secondary to the racist, ethnic cleansing campagin against Palestinians. "The Construction of hundreds of apartments in the new neighborhood at the ultra-Orthodox settlement of Upper Modi'in is largely illegal," Ha'aretz concedes, "and the Civil Administration and State Prosecution's Office are ignoring the building violations. Some of the apartments are being built... in violation of Israel's commitment to the United States in the framework of the road map peace plan."
In the face of such inveterate criminality, is it any wonder that Israel has to fear increased attacks from those who resist their apartheid occupation of Palestine? Perhaps, if peace is what they desire - it isn't - they would quit killing innocent people and stop stealing land.
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